Previous Program

27.12.2024 + 28.12.2024 + 29.12.2024

Live music to the silent film: Marlene Dietrich plays "The Woman You Long For"


D 1929, Director: Kurt Bernhardt
Music conception: Axel Hennies
Compositions: Ernst Bechert, Hans Schneidermann
Arrangements: Michael Hett, Georgia Hoppe, Hans Jünger

Marlene Dietrich is "Stascha" - the woman you long for. Does she steer the fortunes or do men simply abandon themselves to their own projections? "Dr. Karoff" - Fritz Kortner - has fallen for her. The industrialist heir "Leblanc" is torn from his young marriage by just a glance on a railroad trip. At a crazy, exuberant New Year's Eve party, the entangled love triangle begins to unravel. And then another glance leads to the tragic end of the story. Tuten und Blasen will accompany the action, always on top of the events.

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg

20.09.2024 + 13.06.2023 + 15.09.2023


We are supporting the climate demo organized by Fridays for Future with a performance.

Route: Willy-Brandt-Straße - Domstraße - Schmiedestraße - Bergstraße - Ballindamm - Lombardsbrücke - Esplanade - Gorch-Fock-Wall - Johannes-Brahms-Platz - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße - Axel-Springer-Platz - Stadthausbrücke - Graskeller - Rödingsmarkt - Willy-Brandt-Straße

Performance location: Stephansplatz approx. 15:30 hrs

06.07.2024 + 21.02.2024 + 06.07.2024


Final presentation of the bicycle rally on the Day of Cooperatives, Saturday July 6, around 4 p.m. in the Mitte-Altona neighborhood park (opposite the Blaue Blume) with Tuten & Blasen.

Numerous housing projects have planned this rally to emphasize the demand for affordable housing and more social housing construction and, among other things, to point out the added value that housing projects have not only for their residents.


Quartierspark Mitte-Altona

09.06.2024 + 21.02.2024 + 09.06.2024


Am 9. Juni 2024 steigen wir wieder aufs Rad und fahren auf Dutzenden Routen aus Norddeutschland in die Hamburger Innenstadt. Die beliebte Tour über die Köhlbrandbrücke steht ebenso auf dem Programm wie die große Abschlussveranstaltung  mit Tuten & Blasen.




07.06.2024 + 21.02.2024 + 07.06.2024

20 Jahre Forum für Künstlernachlässe

The non-profit association Forum für Künstlernachlässe (FKN) was founded in Hamburg in 2003. Since then, numerous institutions with the same objectives have emerged throughout Germany, which merged to form the Bundesverband Künstlernachlässe (BKN) in 2017. The chairmanship was entrusted to Hamburg due to its many years of experience. By preserving and researching the diverse legacies and bequests, the extraordinary importance of the artistic heritage, which includes painting, graphic art, sculpture, object art, applied art, photography, film and much more, becomes visible.

With the planned FKN archive building, these art treasures will be given a worthy location for the scientific research of Hamburg's art and cultural history and their communication through publications and exhibitions. “Remembering and preserving are the foundations of human history - and they are the heart of the Forum für Künstlernachlässe e.V.” as the current FKN sponsor and Senator for Culture and Media, Dr. Carsten Brosda, put it.

Discovered and Preserved II. !
20 years of the Forum for Artists' Legacies (FKN) in Hamburg
Art exhibition - music - theater


Friday, June 07, 2024 
17.00 Admission to the large FKN anniversary exhibition
18.00 Opening

Music: Tuten & Blasen

The following will speak:
Dr. Carsten Brosda (Senator for Culture and Media Hamburg)
Thomas Sello (Chairman of the Foundation Forum for Artists' Legacies, SFKN)
Prof. Dr. Gora Jain (Chairwoman of the Forum for Artists' Legacies, FKN)
Peter Heikenwälder (Chairman of Künstlerhaus Sootbörn e.V.)

Dialogue between the arts with
Hidden Shakespeare - improvisational theater

Convivial conclusion


31.05.2024 + 01.06.2024 + 01.06.2024

Cinema Concert: The Last Man

Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, D 1924
Screenplay: Carl Meyer, with Emil Jannings and others.

Proud of his porter's uniform, "The Last Man" (Emil Jannings) stands in front of the Hotel Atlantic. But he is no longer up to the pulsating rhythm of the new age and is banished to the catacombs of the luxury hotel for reasons of age.

Emil Jannings' massive body freezes, and with it the music, only to conjure up the lost powers again in shimmering dream sequences.  The bizarrely cheerful happy ending can be found in the movie lexicon.

Tuten & Blasen will not miss out on any eccentricity.

Admission: 18/12 € 

22.05.2024 + 21.02.2024 + 22.05.2024


Das Hamburger KinoKabaret ist ein internationales Festival, auf dem vom 15. bis 25. Mai rund 150 Kurzfilme produziert werden. 
Im KinoLab, dem Festivalzentrum im Oberhafen, kommen rund 150 Teilnehmende zusammen, um unkompliziert innerhalb von kurzer Zeit Projekte zu planen, drehen, schneiden und zu vertonen. Dafür suchen wir Sound Artists und Musiker*innen aus allen Genres. 
Die Kurzfilme werden in vier Runden in einem Zeitraum von 12, 48 oder 72 Stunden produziert und im Anschluß direkt im Kino gezeigt. 
Das KinoKabaret ist sehr international. Es reisen Menschen aus Kanada, Israel, Australien, Haiti, Nicaragua, Irland, Burkina Faso, Österreich, Mali, Frankreich, Belgien, Niger, Japan, Dänemark, Spanien, Polen und Italien an

Die Stummfilmrunde 
Besonders spannend für Musiker*innen und Sound Artists ist dieses Special zum Jubiläum des 20. KinoKabarets. 
In der Runde werden Kurzfilme live im Centralkomitee vor 250 Zuschauer*innen vertont. Es wird zu den Kurzfilmen Musik geben, die melodisch, experimentell, akustisch und elektronisch sein kann, und es gibt Geräusche, Dialoge und Performances auf der Bühne. Der Kreativität sind hier keine Grenzen gesetzt. 
Die rund 30 Musiker*innen haben 24 Stunden Zeit um für die rund 30 Stummfilme mit einer Länge von durchschnittlich 3 Minuten Musik zu komponieren und zu proben. Der Spaß, die Kreativität, das Experimentieren und der Austausch stehen im Vordergrund, es findet kein Wettbewerb statt und das ganze ist nicht kommerziell, die Teilnahme ist in dieser Runde für Musiker*innen und Sound Artists kostenlos. 

20.5. 10:00 Pitch der Filmideen und Vernetzung der Musiker*innen mit den Filmteams 
21:5. 18:00 Übergabe der fertigen Kurzfilme an die Musiker*innen, anschließend Komposition und Proben 
22.5. 19:00 Screening im Centralkomitee 

Centralkomitee, Steindamm 45

29.01.2024 + 13.06.2023 + 29.01.2024

GEW Streiktag Bildung

The GEW is calling a nationwide EDUCATION STRIKE DAY.

Rothenbaumchaussee 11, 20148 Hamburg


24.01.2024 + 13.06.2023 + 24.01.2024

New Year's Reception

New Year's Reception

Haus der Familie, An der Schilleroper 15, 20459 Hamburg


27.12.2023 + 28.12.2023 + 29.12.2023

Silent Movie Concert: Prapancha Pash - Throw of Dice

Silent movie India/D/GB 1929, Director: Franz Osten, 74 min, OmU
Concept and arrangement: Axel Hennies
Compositions: Ernst Bechert and Hans Schneidermann

Everything begins in the jungle with the disturbing sounds of a drive hunt for the Bengal tiger. In the magnificent royal palace there are dancers, fakirs, fire-eaters, poisonous snakes, dice games. The trombones lay out a soft carpet heaped with silk cushions and the three percussionists make the wedding party glitter with their percussion instruments. Warning signals from the longhorns are sent across the city. Thousands of lancers swirl up the dust of the military road, fueled by martial sounds of the low brass until the saxophones whisk us away into the reconciling evening sky. Bollywood at its best.

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg, Tel. 040 342353

28.11.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 28.11.2023

GEW Streiktag Bildung

The GEW is calling a nationwide EDUCATION STRIKE DAY. Demonstrations will take place in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig and Karlsruhe. Colleagues from the federal states of Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Bremen are expected in Hamburg.

The schedule for Hamburg:

11:00 a.m.: Rally at Dammtor station (Dag-Hammarskjöld-Platz) with Anja Bensinger-Stolze (Head of the Organizational Area School at the GEW Main Executive Board) and others.

11:30 am: Demo to the tax authorities

13:20: Final rally in front of the Curiohaus

1:30 p.m.: Strike collection, lunch, music and rally in the Curiohaus

Tuten & Blasen plays before and in the Curiohaus

Rothenbaumchaussee 11, 20148 Hamburg


11.11.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 11.11.2023

Hinz&Kunzt Demo

Under the motto "More than a warm coat for the homeless and poor", Hinz&Kunzt is calling for a demonstration and lantern procession - for young and old - from St. Georg to Hamburg City Hall on St. Martin's Day, November 11.

45,000 people in Hamburg are homeless, more than 12,000 households acutely in housing need and at least 2000 people homeless. Almost one in four of them has been living on the streets for more than five years, and it is no longer just social workers who notice this: People are becoming more and more destitute.

In November, Hinz&Kunzt will be 30 years old. Hinz&Kunzt is a strong and important voice of the poor in this city. Hinz&Kunzt helps, shows alternatives and looks where others look away. What we are currently seeing is that impoverishment is on the rise and the number of homeless people continues to grow. That's why we want to make a statement on the streets to make the voices of the homeless heard.

The rally will start on November 11 at 4 p.m. at Minenstraße 9 in front of the Hinz&Kunzt house. The lantern procession and demonstration will start at 4:30 p.m. and lead through St. Georg and along Mönckebergstraße to Hamburg City Hall.

And why all this on St. Martin's Day? A Catholic saint in Hamburg? This year we are taking up the story of Martin of Tours sharing his coat with an unclothed beggar out of compassion, in order to focus on the poorest in Hamburg and, together with the homeless and Hinz&Kunzt sellers, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of St. Martin's Day.

Minenstr. 9, Hamburg St. Georg bis Hamburger Rathaus


10.11.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 10.11.2023

Finissage "Umbrüche"

With filmic portraits of the artists Heinrich Schilinzky | Heiner Studt.
Music: Brass ensemble Tuten & Blasen, in which Heiner Studt played alto saxophone.

Both artists saw themselves as contemporary witnesses. In their paintings, they draw attention to themes such as creation and transience, to upheavals that herald endings and new beginnings.
Heinrich Schilinzky's (1923-2009) clear compositions in strong colors document Respect for creation - but also: Attention, we endanger creation! Heiner Studt (1942-2021) points in the darkness of his mysterious printing technique to what is not visible behind the appearance. The viewers are invited to search for the backgrounds.


Blankeneser Gemeindehaus, Mühlenberger Weg 64 a, 22587 Hamburg

04.11.2023 + 06.04.2023 + 04.11.2023

Amnesty International

Tuten & Blasen plays for the 50th anniversary of amnesty international Lüneburg

Lüneburg celebrates human rights
50 years Amnesty International Group Lüneburg
20 years Amnesty International student group
75 years Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Concert with Tuten & Blasen.

Aula im Gymnasium Herderschule, Ochtmisser Kirchsteig 27, 21339 Lüneburg

17.09.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 17.09.2023


KinderKinder international music and theater festival is not only the biggest, but also the most important project of Kinderkinder. In 2023 it will be held on September 17 with many wonderful plays.

Our festival was first held in 1987. In the first year only with artists from the FRG and the GDR. It quickly developed into an international event with the most fascinating theater, exciting music and dance. Have fun!

Planten & Blomen, Seebühne

15.09.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 15.09.2023


Petrikirche Bergstr.

12.09.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 12.09.2023

190 Years Rauhes Haus

Welcome to the big celebration in the park

Johann Hinrich Wichern founded our foundation 190 years ago. Diversity - that is Das Rauhe Haus: in our fields of work, in the people we work for and in our staff. We celebrate our foundation's birthday with our festival in the park.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
on the Foundation grounds in Hamburg-Horn

Arrival from 1:30 p.m. with Tuten & Blasen
Opening at 2 pm
Closing at 7.30 pm

Rauhes Haus, Beim Rauhen Hause 21
22111 Hamburg

09.09.2023 + 06.04.2023 + 09.09.2023

Africa Brass

"Africa Brass" will be a journey of the 16 musicians of Tuten & Blasen to the sources of jazz, to the roots of African-influenced music of Latin America and Western pop music.
African rhythms and Western brass sound combine as they did in Duke Ellington's "Jungle Style". The hard beats from the townships of South Africa, perhaps also the solemn "Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika" lead into previously unheard beat changes. The confrontation with different currents of African music is reflected in the compositions inspired by stays in Brazzaville, Ghana, Mali, Zanzibar.

Box office: 20 Euro
Advance booking: 17 Euro (+ 1,85 Euro ticket fee)

Centralkomitee, Steindamm 45, 20099 Hamburg

02.09.2023 + 25.09.2000 + 02.09.2023

Africa Brass

"Africa Brass" will be a journey of the 16 musicians of Tuten & Blasen to the sources of jazz, to the roots of African-influenced music of Latin America and Western pop music.

African rhythms and Western brass sound combine as they did in Duke Ellington's "Jungle Style". The hard beats from the townships of South Africa, perhaps also the solemn "Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika" lead into previously unheard beat changes. The confrontation with different currents of African music is reflected in the compositions inspired by stays in Brazzaville, Ghana, Mali, Zanzibar.

In good weather under the trailing roof (see picture), in case of rain in the open hall. Please do not park in the village, there is a parking lot behind the courtyard.

Admission 15/10 €
ticket reservation: 0176 38 32 41 26

Kulturhof Neritz

17.06.2023 + 28.04.2023 + 17.06.2023

50 years ago, in April 1973, the first house meeting took place. Two months later, in June 1973, we went out for the first leaflet distribution in the neighborhood and put an information stand on the street for the first time.

"The next victim of the pickaxe?" the flyer read. Two and a half years later, after grueling political and legal battles, the question was answered. The construction company that wanted to demolish the house gave up, the house remained standing, we stayed and made a contract with the new landlord that gives us unique rights that are still valid today.

This success story will be celebrated on.

June 17, 2023 from 4 p.m. at Haynstraße 1.

Tuten & Blasen will play from 9 pm.

Haynstr. 1, 20249 Hamburg

20.05.2023 + 28.04.2023 + 20.05.2023

Commemoration of "90 Years of Burned Books"

co-organized by the State Library

The idea of the "Stolpersteininitiative" was to bring this volunteer group more into public awareness. With Oswald Pander we chose an almost forgotten author with an extremely interesting biography. This was researched by Dr. Inge Grolle and Christina Igla.
Almost 10 years ago the Stolperstein dedication took place with daughter and granddaughter. The granddaughter Mrs. Prof. Marshall and her daughter will come to this event again. Dr. Inge Grolle has also been invited.

Musical accompaniment will be provided by "Tuten & Blasen".

St. Nikolai am Klosterstern, Harvestehuder Weg 118, 20149 Hamburg

06.05.2023 + 14.04.2023 + 06.05.2023

Antifascist demonstration

The demonstration will start in the Gängeviertel. At 14:30 there will be an intermediate rally with speeches and music by Tuten & Blasen. The procession leads over the Jungfernstieg and ends at the city hall with a final rally.

Stadthaus, Stadthausbrücke 10, 20355 Hamburg

05.05.2023 + 05.04.2023 + 05.05.2023

Benefit concert for the Brazzaville Youth Orchestra (OSEB - Orchestre Symphonique des Enfants de Brazzaville).

Friday, May 5, 2023, 6 pm,
Christianskirche Ottensen, Klopstockplatz

in the context of forumJETZTmusik


Musica Altona violin orchestra with Gino Romero Ramirez,
Cello class 4d of the Louise-Schröder-School with Krischa Weber and Gino Romero Ramirez,
String quartet of the Eppendorf Symphony Orchestra,
Tuten & Blasen

Special Guest: Josias N'Gahata-Makoundou, director and founder of the OSEB
Moderation: Ernst Bechert

For many years a group of musicians from Hamburg has been supporting the OSEB. Many trips with lessons, rehearsals and fantastic concerts have created a close bond. It is amazing under what challenging conditions good musical work is done there. Nevertheless, there is still a lot missing. That is what we are collecting for.

The enthusiasm of the young African musicians and the special spirit of Brazzaville will also resonate in our concert. Donations will be collected at the exit.

Donation account: Symphony Orchestra Eppendorf e.V., Keyword: Brazzaville
IBAN: DE24 4306 0967 1014 9562 00, GLS Bank.
Donations are tax deductible.

Musica Altona e.V.
Symphony Orchestra Eppendorf e.V.
Christianskirche Ottensen
Cultural Circle of the Louise-Schröder-School
SES - Senior Experts Service Bonn

25.03.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 25.03.2023

Demo-Rave Altona

Saturday, 25.3.2023 13:45 h

An event for the preservation of Bahnhof Altona

Bahnhof Altona

18.03.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 18.03.2023

Earthquake relief

Charity event in aid of the earthquake victims in Turkey

Alevitisches Kulturzentrum, Nobistor 33


11.03.2023 + 12.03.2023 + 11.03.2023

Music to the silent film: Marlene Dietrich plays "The Woman You Long For"


D 1929, Director: Kurt Bernhardt
Music conception: Axel Hennies
Compositions: Ernst Bechert, Hans Schneidermann
Arrangements: Michael Hett, Georgia Hoppe, Hans Jünger

Marlene Dietrich is "Stascha" - the woman you long for. Does she steer the fortunes or do men simply abandon themselves to their own projections? "Dr. Karoff" - Fritz Kortner - has fallen for her. The industrialist heir "Leblanc" is torn from his young marriage by just a glance on a railroad trip. At a crazy, exuberant New Year's Eve party, the entangled love triangle begins to unravel. And then another glance leads to the tragic end of the story. Tuten und Blasen will accompany the action, always on top of the events.

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg

03.03.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 03.03.2023


Jungfernstieg Ecke Bergstr.

02.02.2023 + 13.06.2023 + 02.02.2023

25 Years Klabauter-Theater

Thursday, 2.2.2023 15:30 h

The Klabauter Theater celebrates its 25th anniversary

Klabauter Theater, Jungestr. 7a

27.12.2022 + 28.12.2022 + 29.12.2022

Music to the silent film: Varieté

Variety, D 1925, approx. 90 min
Director: Ewald André Dupont
with: Emil Jannings, Maly Delschaft, Lya de Putti a.o.

Concept and arrangement: Axel Hennies
Compositions for the film: Hans Schneidermann

It begins in a port city and ends in an 8-minute showdown in the metropolis of Berlin. The expressionistic drama of passions between Emil Jannings and Lya de Putti spans from the dingy suburban hustle and bustle to the first vaudeville of the Weimar Republic, the Wintergarten.

01.10.2022 + 25.09.2000 + 26.03.2022



03.09.2022 + 25.09.2000 + 03.09.2022

From New Orleans to New York


Kulturhof Neritz

24.06.2022 + 07.09.2000 + 24.06.2022

20.05.2022 + 07.09.2000 + 20.05.2022

Tuten & Blasen plays Hans Schneidermann

Polittbüro, Steindamm 45, 20095 Hamburg / Metro Lohmühlenstraße
tickets: 20/15 € - reservation: 040 - 280 55 467

Von Наталия19 - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, <a href=''>Link</a>

08.05.2022 + 07.09.2000 + 08.05.2022

77th Anniversary End of World War II

26.03.2022 + 25.09.2000 + 26.03.2022



18.03.2022 + 25.09.2000 + 18.03.2022


27.12.2021 + 28.12.2021 + 29.12.2021

cinema concert: Piccadilly

Germany 1929, director: E.A. Dupont
with Anna Mae Wong, Gilda Gray, Charles Laughton

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
Tickets: 18/12 € - at the cinema or online
>> Tickets online

13.11.2021 + 07.09.2000 + 13.11.2021

Tuten & Blasen plays Hans Schneidermann

Polittbüro, Steindamm 45, 20095 Hamburg / Metro Lohmühlenstraße
tickets: 20/15 € - reservation: 040 - 280 55 467

25.09.2021 + 25.09.2000 + 25.09.2021

From New Orleans to New York


Kulturhof Neritz

15.05.2021 + 07.09.2000 + 15.05.2021

Postponed: From New Orleans to New York

We will play the concert for sure but don't know yet when...

29.01.2021 + 07.09.2000 + 28.11.2020

AGAIN POSTPONED: Tuten & Blasen plays Hans Schneidermann

Polittbüro, Steindamm 45, 20095 Hamburg / Metro Lohmühlenstraße
tickets: 20/15 € - reservation: 040 - 280 55 467

28.11.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 28.11.2020

Tuten & Blasen plays Hans Schneidermann

Polittbüro, Steindamm 45, 20095 Hamburg / Metro Lohmühlenstraße
tickets: 20/15 € - reservation: 040 - 280 55 467

07.10.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 17.10.2020


music pavillon in Planten und Blomen

02.10.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 17.10.2020

Dar es Salam-Platz, später Umzug zur Ausstellung in den Räumen der Hafencity Universität

18.09.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 18.09.2020


At Vollmer's in Neritz 10 29462 Wustrow, tickets 15/10 €, reservation 0176 38324126.

10.05.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 10.05.2020

CANCELLED: Concert in Bad Bevensen

We'll try to play the concert sometime in fall and inform you here. Right now it's impossible to make any plans. Stay home, take care and stay healthy!

Vakuum e.V.
Am Bahnhof 2, 29549 Bad Bevensen

Vakuum e.V., Bad Bevensen

09.05.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 09.05.2020

NDR Info extra: 75th Anniversary End of World War II

On TV and livestream
Music: Tuten & Blasen

25.04.2020 + 07.09.2000 + 25.04.2020

CANCELLED: Tuten & Blasen plays Hans Schneidermann

We'll try to play the concert sometime in fall and inform you here. Right now it's impossible to make any plans. Stay home, take care and stay healthy!

Polittbüro, Steindamm 45, 20095 Hamburg / Metro Lohmühlenstraße
tickets: 20/15 € - reservation: 040 - 280 55 467

27.12.2019 + 27.12.2019 + 29.12.2019

Silent Movie Concert: Der Himmel auf Erden

27.10.2019 + 08.11.2013 + 27.10.2019

Silent Movie Concert: Der Himmel auf Erden

D 1926/27, Director: Alfred Schirokauer // leading actor: Reinhold Schünzel

organized by Cinegraph in in cooperation with Metropolis

14.09.2019 + 18.08.2019 + 14.09.2019

Ost-West Move | Your U-Turn for Mobility

More information to come

07.09.2019 + 19.06.2019 + 07.09.2019

40 Years Theatre Zeppelin


15:00 - 18:00 „Alles im Fluss"
exciting actions with children and youngsters of theatre school Zeppelin, Kaifu-Gymnasium and summer workshops

book presentation „40 Years Theatre Zeppelin"

18:00 - 22:00 „Birthday Party Theatre Zeppelin"
with: Tuten & Blasen, Kodjo Wendt and Krischa Weber, the Matrigal Chor,
Matthias Könninger, Veronique Elling and "iact" stage school, Andrea Bongers,
Aalchor, a whale, an iceberg, a drop and more surprises!

22:00 - open end: dancefloor

06.09.2019 + 18.08.2019 + 06.09.2019

Creative Night St. Pauli

16.08.2019 + 17.08.2019 + 17.08.2019

16.06.2019 + 21.06.2015 + 16.06.2019

Bicycle rally

Jungfernstieg, Hamburg

>> more information (german)

15.06.2019 + 11.06.2014 + 15.06.2019

Summer Party Schröderstift

Mieterselbstverwaltung Schröderstift e.V., Hamburg

18.05.2019 + 08.05.2019 + 19.05.2019

One Europe for all:

Your voice against nationalism!

Mass demonstrations in European cities

>> More information

08.05.2019 + 29.06.2012 + 08.05.2019

Tenebrae of Michael Batz / Ernst Bechert ​

30.03.2019 + 07.09.2000 + 30.03.2019

Concert: Havanna, Mahagonny, Alabama

Aula Süd, Torfweg 36, Buxtehude, tickets 15 / 7.50 €

23.03.2019 + 07.09.2000 + 23.03.2019

Concert: Havanna, Mahagonny, Alabama

Polittbüro, Steindamm 45, 20095 Hamburg / Metro Lohmühlenstraße
tickets: 20/15 € - reservation: 040 - 280 55 467

27.12.2018 + 28.12.2018 + 29.12.2018

cinema concert: Die Carmen von St. Pauli

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
Tickets: 15/10 € - at the cinema or online
> Tickets online

24.11.2018 + 20.11.2014 + 24.11.2018

Cinema Concert: Ophir - city of the past

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
Tickets: 15/10 € - at the cinema or online
>> Tickets online

30.10.2018 + 29.06.2012 + 30.10.2018

Tenebrae of Michael Batz / Ernst Bechert ​

28.09.2018 + 17.09.2018 + 29.09.2018

We'll Come United

United against racism

12 h Rathausmarkt
15 h Promenade of solidarity, harbour
17 h Concert

17.06.2018 + 21.06.2015 + 17.06.2018

Bicycle rally

Jungfernstieg, Hamburg

>> more information (german)

14.04.2018 + 15.04.2018 + 15.04.2018


Music for children

For the festival KLANGFEST Kampnagel is transformed into a musical adventure playground for young audiences. It’s fun, there’s a lot to discover and making music is explicitly encouraged.

More information on (german)

10.03.2018 + 29.06.2012 + 10.03.2018


Tuten & Blasen plays Ernst Bechert

Mit kleinem Geburtstagsgastauftritt von Celso Durãoaus Mosambik und seiner Mbira (einer Art Kalimba, auch "Daumenklavier" genannt)

Polittbüro, Hamburg

27.12.2017 + 28.12.2017 + 29.12.2017

Cinema Concert: Die Frauengasse von Algier

D 1926/27, director: Wolfgang Hoffmann-Harnisch

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
Tickets: 15/10 € - at the cinema or online
> Tickets online

Metropolis Kino, Hamburg

03.11.2017 + 29.06.2012 + 03.11.2017

100 Years Thelonious Monk

Polittbüro, Hamburg

24.09.2017 + 29.12.2010 + 24.09.2017

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
tickets 15/10 € - at the cinema or online
>> Tickets online

25.08.2017 + 26.08.2017 + 27.08.2017

Brass Revolution

In the course of the festival "Kunstfest Weimar"
Invited by the Weimar band Tuba Libre

Theaterplatz - Mon Ami - Stadtschloss

More information and program

24.06.2017 + 28.04.2012 + 24.06.2017

20th anniversary Museom of Work

Tent: 12.00 opening, 13.00 Tuten & Blasen

18.06.2017 + 21.06.2015 + 18.06.2017

Bicycle demonstration

Jungfernstieg, Hamburg

>> more information (german)

30.05.2017 + 29.06.2012 + 30.05.2017

Funeral March

for Peter Kuhn, who sold "Hinz und Kunzt"

17.02.2017 + 29.06.2012 + 17.02.2017

100 Years Thelonious Monk

27.12.2016 + 28.12.2016 + 29.12.2016

Cinema Concert: Rapa Nui

F/D 1927, Director: Nikolai Malikoff

Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstraße 10, 20354 Hamburg
Tickets: 15/10 € - phone 040 - 34 23 53 or online
> Tickets online

17.09.2016 + 16.09.2016 + 17.09.2016

02.09.2016 + 29.08.2016 + 02.09.2016

ver.di Neighbourhood party

for union members, refugees, neighbours

Union building
Besenbinderhof 60, 20097 Hamburg

30.06.2016 + 01.07.2016 + 02.07.2016


Festival of street music

Tuten & Blasen has invited other brass bands Lauter Blech from Bremen and Tuba Libre from Weimar

Streets and places in Hamburg Altona

>> STAMP-Website

19.06.2016 + 21.06.2015 + 19.06.2016

Bicycle demonstration

Jungfernstieg, Hamburg

>> more information (german)

11.06.2016 + 29.06.2012 + 11.06.2016

Anniversary Concert - 40 Years Tuten und Blasen

24.03.2016 + 30.01.2015 + 24.03.2016

Charity Concert for Young Refugees

Organized by Herrchens Frauchen (Lisa Politt and Gunter Schmidt - Polittbüro),
with Herrchens Frauchen, Rainer Trampert & Thomas Eberhard, Tuten & Blasen

Special guest: Marc-Uwe Kling

27.12.2015 + 28.12.2015 + 29.12.2015

Cinema Concert: Rapa Nui

Mario Bonnard, D/F 1927

20.11.2015 + 20.11.2014 + 20.11.2015

Cinema Concert: The Last Man

F. W. Murnau, D 1924

Tickets: 15 / 10 € - reservation: phone 040 - 34 23 53

14.11.2015 + 14.11.2015 + 14.11.2015

Demonstration: Refugees Welcome means equal rights for all!

24.09.2015 + 21.09.2015 + 24.09.2015

We don't contemporary

This chorography duo are making a big noise about the launch of their ‘carte blanche’ at Kampnagel. In VU, the dancers of Compagnie Chatha join forces with TUTEN UND BLASEN to form a third entity, a type of body with a glossy finish, which moves loudly and slowly through the Kampnagel foyer. Using their experience as dancers, M’Barek and Dhaou negotiate the body’s docility, its sensitivity, resilience and hardening. A poetic starting point for a week full of expressive choreography. (from Kampnagel program)

free entrance

20.09.2015 + 25.08.2015 + 20.09.2015

Worls Childrens Festival

Start of a bis international festival in the park "Grosse Wallanlagen"

>> download programme with map
>> more information on website

03.09.2015 + 04.09.2015 + 05.09.2015


Festival of street music

Tuten & Blasen has invited other brass bands: Eigen Hulp - Den Haag, Tegenwind - Utrecht, Blech & Schwefel - Kassel, Tuba Libre - Weimar, IG Blech - Berlin

Streets and places in Hamburg Altona

>> STAMP-Website

27.06.2015 + 27.06.2015 + 27.06.2015

Mill Party Bohlsener Mühle 2015

21.06.2015 + 21.06.2015 + 21.06.2015

Bicycle demonstration

Jungfernstieg, Hamburg

>> more information (german)

14.06.2015 + 14.04.2015 + 14.06.2015

Wishes, Dreams, Rebellion

A literary and musical sightseeing tour

With Jürgen Abel and Jodie Ahlborn
Special guest: Blaskapelle Tuten & Blasen
Moderation: Nina Kuhn

Organized by Literaturkontor Hamburg in cooperation with HafenCity Hamburg GmbH

Magellanterrassen, Hamburg Hafencity

18.04.2015 + 28.04.2012 + 18.04.2015

Night of Museums

Performances on the museum area

14.03.2015 + 28.12.2014 + 14.03.2015

Cinema Concert: The Last Man

F. W. Murnau, D 1924

Tickets: 15 / 10 € - reservation: phone 040 - 34 23 53

27.12.2014 + 28.12.2014 + 29.12.2014

Cinema Concert: Panzerkreuzer Potemkin

Sergei Eisenstein, USSR 1925

Metropolis Kino, Hamburg

31.10.2014 + 31.10.2014 + 31.10.2014

Cinema Concert: Panzerkreuzer Potemkin

Sergei Eisenstein, USSR 1925

Kulturforum Bergedorf

11.10.2014 + 11.10.2014 + 06.11.2014

23.08.2014 + 11.06.2014 + 23.08.2014

Summer Party Schröderstift

27.06.2014 + 28.06.2014 + 29.06.2014

Blowing on the beach- Bands on the Boulevard

Street Music Festival in Scheveningen, The Netherlands
with bands from The Netherlands, Belgium und Great Britain

21.06.2014 + 11.06.2014 + 21.06.2014

Little Birthday Serenade

35th anniversary Theater Zeppelin - 23rd anniversary theater school - 10th anniversary HoheLuftschiff

29.03.2014 + 29.06.2012 + 29.03.2014

14.02.2014 + 14.02.2014 + 14.02.2014

Charity Concert for Young Refugees

Organized by Herrchens Frauchen (Lisa Politt and Gunter Schmidt - Polittbuero),
with Herrchens Frauchen, Rainer Trampert & Thomas Eberhard, Der Fall Böse, Tuten & Blasen

27.12.2013 + 28.12.2013 + 29.12.2013

02.11.2013 + 02.11.2013 + 02.11.2013

18.10.2013 + 07.09.2000 + 18.10.2013

17.10.2013 + 07.09.2000 + 18.10.2013

15.10.2013 + 29.06.2012 + 15.10.2013

31.08.2013 + 31.08.2013 + 31.08.2013

08.06.2013 + 08.06.2013 + 08.06.2013

19.04.2013 + 29.06.2012 + 19.04.2013

13.04.2013 + 28.04.2012 + 13.04.2013

27.12.2012 + 28.12.2012 + 28.12.2012

20.10.2012 + 18.10.2012 + 20.10.2012

19.10.2012 + 18.10.2012 + 19.10.2012

22.09.2012 + 22.09.2012 + 22.09.2012

09.09.2012 + 09.09.2012 + 09.09.2012

23.08.2012 + 23.08.2012 + 23.08.2012

28.06.2012 + 29.06.2012 + 30.06.2012

15.06.2012 + 15.06.2012 + 15.06.2012

10.06.2012 + 10.06.2012 + 10.06.2012

01.06.2012 + 01.06.2012 + 01.06.2012

27.05.2012 + 27.05.2012 + 27.05.2012

28.04.2012 + 28.04.2012 + 07.09.2000

20.01.2012 + 20.01.2012 + 07.09.2011

28.12.2011 + 29.12.2011 + 07.09.2011

31.10.2011 + 01.11.2011 + 07.09.2011

20.09.2011 + 07.09.2011 + 07.09.2011

10.09.2011 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

06.09.2011 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

28.06.2011 + 29.06.2011 + 30.06.2011

17.06.2011 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

28.05.2011 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

16.04.2011 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

14.04.2011 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

05.02.2011 + 07.09.2011 + 07.09.2011

30.09.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

18.09.2010 + 07.09.2011 + 07.09.2011

17.09.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

17.09.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

12.09.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

05.06.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

05.06.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

20.02.2010 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

02.10.2009 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

26.06.2009 + 27.06.2009 + 28.06.2009

08.11.2008 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000

26.10.2008 + 07.09.2000 + 07.09.2000